Jujutsu Kaisen: Jujutsu Kaisen has undeniably left its mark on modern anime and manga. With its captivating world-building, diverse cast of characters, and thrilling action sequences, the series quickly rose to prominence, often considered part of the ‘Big 3’ of modern anime. However, after a 271-chapter run, the manga’s conclusion has sparked debate among fans. Many argue that the ending feels rushed, while others defend it as a fitting conclusion. Let’s explore both perspectives to understand this controversy.
The Case for Disappointment
Unresolved Character Arcs
One of the primary criticisms centers on incomplete character development. Yuji’s Domain Expansion, a highly anticipated ability, was introduced without a name or clear explanation of its powers. Megumi’s character arc also faced scrutiny, with fans feeling his journey ended where it began, never reaching the “limitless potential” Gojo had foreseen.
Abandoned Plotlines
Several storylines introduced throughout the series seemed to fizzle out without significant impact. The military invasion of Japan and Yuta potentially taking over Gojo’s body are examples of plot points that didn’t deliver on their buildup. Nobara’s character, despite a shocking return, was largely sidelined for much of the series.
Missing Backstories and Explanations
Fans were left wanting more information on crucial elements of the Jujutsu Kaisen universe. Sukuna’s backstory, hinted at throughout the series, was never fully explored. The central conflict between optimizing or eliminating Cursed Energy, a debate between Kenjaku and Yuki, remained unresolved.
Gojo’s Fate
The handling of Gojo’s character in the finale was a point of contention. Despite playing a crucial role in Sukuna’s defeat, there was a perceived lack of closure or proper remembrance for this beloved character.
The Defense of the Ending
Author’s Vision
It’s important to remember that this was the story Gege Akutami intended to tell. While it may not have aligned with fan expectations, it represents the creator’s vision for the series’ conclusion.
Subverting Expectations
The decision not to bring Gojo back after his death, despite fan anticipation, can be seen as a bold narrative choice. It preserves the integrity of Gojo’s character arc and the consequences of the story’s events.
Natural Fan Reaction
It’s common for fans to express disappointment when a beloved series doesn’t end as they hoped or expected. This doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of the ending itself but rather the emotional investment of the fanbase.
While the ending of Jujutsu Kaisen has certainly divided opinions, it’s clear that the series has left a lasting impact on the anime and manga landscape. The criticisms regarding unresolved plotlines and character arcs are valid points for discussion. However, it’s also worth considering that not every story element needs to be explicitly resolved for an ending to be effective.
Ultimately, Jujutsu Kaisen’s conclusion, whether viewed as rushed or deliberately subversive, has sparked passionate debate among fans. This engagement itself is a testament to the series’ impact and the deep connection it fostered with its audience. As the dust settles, Jujutsu Kaisen will likely be remembered as one of the most influential modern shonen series, its controversial ending becoming part of its legacy.
Despite the mixed reactions, the series’ overall quality, innovative fight scenes, and complex characters ensure its place in anime history. As fans continue to discuss and analyze the finale, Jujutsu Kaisen’s influence on the medium remains undeniable.